Meet the Study Abroad Ambassadors 2020-2021: Walker

Meet our Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2020-2021. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!Walker OrnerMajor: Media Arts with concentrations in Filmmaking and Graphic Design.Program: France“I think that studying another language abroad is a one of a kind opportunity.  I had traveled before my semester in France but putting the time and energy into learning while being immersed in another language and culture is a whole different type of experience. Learning French from the basics is one of the hardest and fulfilling things I have ever done. Language learning through immersion is unmatched. In just 4 months I was amazed to be carrying conversations with ease. The feeling of being confident in another language was something I had never experienced before and I owe that completely to the decision of to study abroad.I was the only student to remain abroad during the pandemic ( I received special permission from Dr Finegold) but upon returning in June I experienced a significant amount of culture shock. My eating schedule, food preference as well as being used to speaking French 24/7 all made for a strange few weeks getting back. "Students can contact Walker by email at


Meet the Study Abroad Ambassadors 2020-2021: Jay


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